Interviewing Selves (IS) is a magazine creating an ongoing cultural snapshot of people across generations. In each issue, readers will find long-form interviews. Within each interview, readers will find infinite selves that live within others—and possibly themselves. Founded in 2023 by Nina Beckhardt, Interviewing Selves’ sole aim is to give voice. In hearing the voices of others—loud or soft, accomplished or burgeoning—our own become clearer.
“As we've been successful in closing women's prisons in California, there has been the concept of taking what was once a women's prison, or any kind of a prison, and mentally turning it into, and then actually turning it into, a healing center.”
Read the full interview with Jane Dorotik
“It was one perpetual orgy, but not sexual always. But an orgiastic experience of penetrating love constantly. Through touch, through looks, through glances, through silence, through stillness, through separateness.”
Read the full interview with Deep Breath
“I felt an unexplored place was to underline the fact that people needed a more in-depth understanding of how all art has been built on what came before. No art form is out of the blue. Each art form has its legacy, its traditions, its ancestry. Emphasizing that gave me a context that hadn't been fully explored.”
“The prior version of Moon Bagel had pretty much the same personality. I feel she's a little more skittish than she used to be; a little more afraid than the prior Moon Bagel. She has different fears. But besides that, they pretty much successfully cloned her.”
Read the full interview with India Ballinger
“The universe is expansive. Part of the challenge is that business was invented from the industrial age which comes from the Newtonian era of science, which was all about productivity and numbers. When you start moving into the quantum space, which is where we are now, it's about possibilities.”
It’s quite simple really. When you hold a big poofy dandelion seedhead (technical term: capitulum), it is pure potential. Each seed is a life not yet lived. Like the many selves that live within each of us, dandelion seeds are able to cover large distances when dispersed. They are evolutionarily attuned to atmospheric conditions like moisture and wind, allowing them to intuit the optimal time for germination. This magazine is a celebration of germinated selves.